Team Trip



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We're Celebrating!

This summer marks the 25th anniversary of the first team trip Worship With Us ever took!

As we celebrate God's faithfulness and the ministry work that's been done in Bulgaria over the last 25 years,
we're we're excited to extend an invitation to YOU to join us on a Kingdom adventure...


We're looking to build a team of 10-12 people who will travel July 11 - July 27, 2025.

Ministry activities will likely include (but may not be limited to):
leading worship, sharing testimony and/or preaching, praying for and laying hands on people,
hugging displaced peoples, community outreach, and encouraging pastors and churches.


To start the process of joining the team, click here to download the application form!

Check out our FAQ page for more information about how missions unfold.


We're looking forward to hearing from you!






Join us on the journey of a lifetime. This video is your invitation.

Start now! First, pray and ask God - ask Him for help to make it a reality.

Dates of upcoming trips are usually posted on our website, although we have been through a not-usual time!If there are no dates posted, we still have dates in mind. Drop us a line.


We have been ministering in Eastern Europe since 1996 and taking teams since 2000.

Join us as part of a team, with your full itinerary taken care of - come and bring your gift. Stay at our base and from their reach out to the needy and the spiritually hungry. We provide orientation and training as necessary. It is the experience of a lifetime.

You will need to send in an application form - available by clicking the download link below. Please fill in and email back or send by mail.

You can raise funds for the trip after you are accepted on to a team. Applying does not guarantee acceptance. We can help with advice and strategies on fund raising. Donations raised are contributions to Worship With Us for missions. As a Canadian Charity, Worship With Us issues a Canadian income tax receipt for all donations towards missions expenses. (Receipts are issued after year end).

To download an application form (.pdf file) click here.

If you have been with us before and need an application please click here.

Please scan and return by email, or print and mail it to Worship With Us, Box 2161 St. Marys ON, N4X 1A1


Contact Information

Worship With Us Ministries
Box 2161
St. Marys ON N4X 1A1

Office: 289-408-8590 (New number)
Mobile: 519-949-3407
BG Mobile: 0893 444759

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