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John and Jane on a mission


Okay, here's some background information, long and maybe boring to many. But we want it to be out there, so that we are clear and open about who we are.

Worship With Us Ministries is a Canadian Registered Charity founded by John and Jane Goodwin. The charity was registered January 1, 2003. We spend our efforts creating opportunities for encounters with God.

We are based in Canada, called here by God, and love this land. So we work in the mission field outside our door in teaching and preaching, worship, conferences, seminars and more. It is our great delight to frequently partner with Christian churches and ministries for events. We also minister at lots of different churches and denominations - its one way God connects the body together!
Our goal is to multiply praise. To this end we write and sing original worship songs, and songs that we hope will point people to God.

Here we'll try and cover some of the information that people want or need to know.


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Contact Information

Worship With Us Ministries
Box 2161
St. Marys ON N4X 1A1

Office: 289-408-8590 (New number)
Mobile: 519-949-3407
BG Mobile: 0893 444759

Send an email. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..